Unit 4 Software Engineering MCQ Questions for AKTU Exam

Hey Guys, If you are preparing a Software engineering subject for the AKTU exams, then These are the Important Software engineering MCQ questions. so must go through these questions.

Note*: Do not depend only on these MCQ’s, Yes surely these questions help you in AKTU exams so do it first and after that if you have enough time, study all the core topics as well.

Unit 4: Software engineering mcq questions with answers

  1. The order in which test levels are performed is:
    a. Unit, Integration, Acceptance, System
    b. Unit, System, Integration, Acceptance
    c. Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance
    d. It depends on the nature of a project
    Answer: Option (d)
    a. System testing is a Black box testing.
    b. Grey box testing
    c. White box testing
    d. Both a and b
    Answer: Option (a)
  2. What is “V” Model?
    a. Test Design Technique
    b. Test Type
    c. SDLC Model
    d. Test Level
    Answer: Option (c)
  3. Test cases are designed during which of the
    following stages?
    a. Test recording
    b. Test configuration
    c. Test planning
    d. Test specification
    Answer: Option (d)
  4. which is not the other name for structural
    a. Behavioural testing
    b. Glass box testing
    c. White box testing
    d. None of the above
    Answer: Option (a)
  5. The technique applied for usability testing is:
    a. White box
    b. Grey box
    c. Black box
    d. Regression Testing
    Answer: Option (c)
  6. Which of the following is not a Test Type?
    a. Database Testing
    b. Security Testing
    c. Statement Testing
    d. Functional Testing
    Answer: Option (c)
  7. Static analysis can be best described as:
    a. The reviewing of test plans
    b. The analysis of batch programs
    c. The use of black box testing
    d. The analysis of program code
    Answer: Option (d)
  8. Exhaustive testing is:
    a. Always possible
    b. impractical but possible
    c. practically possible
    d. impractical and impossible
    Answer: Option (b)
  9. Which is not a type of incremental testing
    a. Bottom up
    b. Top down
    c. Big-bang
    Answer: Option (c)
  10. White-box testing can be started:
    a. After installation
    b. After SRS creation
    c. After programming
    d. After designing.
    Answer: Option (c)
  11. What is Fault Masking?
    a. Creating a test case which does not reveal
    a fault.
    b. Error condition hiding another error
    c. Masking a fault by developer
    d. Masking a fault by a tester
    Answer: Option (b)
  12. Which of the following is the component test
    a. BS7925-2
    b. IEEE 829
    c. BS7925-1
    d. IEEE 610
    Answer: Option (a)
  13. Testing of software with actual data and in
    actual environment is known as?
    a. Regression testing
    b. Beta testing
    c. Alpha testing
    d. None of the above
    Answer: Option (b)
  14. Beta Testing is done at:
    a. Developer’s end
    b. User’s end
    c. User’s & Developer’s end
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  15. A program with high cyclomatic complexity is
    likely to be:
    a. Large
    b. Small
    c. Difficult to write.
    d. Difficult to test.
    Answer: Option (d)
  16. Unit testing is done by:
    a. Users
    b. Developers
    c. Customers
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  17. Which of the following is not a Software
    Development Life Cycle Phase?
    a. Requirements Gathering
    b. Test Closure
    c. Coding
    d. Testing
    Answer: Option (b)
  18. In order to control cost, defects should ideally
    be detected in which phase:
    a. Coding
    b. Design
    c. Implementation
    d. Requirements Gathering
    Answer: Option (d)
    20) Error guessing is a:
    a. Test verification techniques
    b. Test data management techniques
    c. Test control management techniques
    d. Test execution techniques
    Answer: Option (b)
  19. Which of the following is not a white box
    a. State transition testing
    b. Path testing
    c. Statement testing
    d. Data flow testing.
    Answer: Option (a)
  20. Alpha testing is:
    a. Post-release testing by end user
    representatives at the developer’s site
    b. The first testing that is performed.
    c. Pre-release testing by end user
    representatives at their sites
    d. Pre-release testing by end user
    representatives at the developer’s site
    Answer: Option (d)
  21. Which of the following term describes testing?
    a. Finding broken code
    b. Evaluating deliverable to find errors.
    c. A stage of all projects
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  22. What is Cyclomatic complexity?
    a. Black box testing
    b. White box testing
    c. Yellow box testing
    d. Green box testing
    Answer: Option (b)
  23. Maintenance testing is performed using which
    a. Retesting
    b. Sanity testing
    c. Breadth test and depth test
    d. Confirmation testing
    Answer: Option (c)
  24. Which of the following is/are White box
    a. Statement Testing
    b. Decision Testing
    c. Condition Coverage
    d. All of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (d)
  25. What are the various Testing Levels?
    a. Unit Testing
    b. System Testing
    c. Integration Testing
    d. All of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (d)
  26. Boundary value analysis belongs to?
    a. White Box Testing
    a. Black Box Testing
    b. White Box & Black Box Testing
    c. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  27. Alpha testing is done at
    a. Developer’s end
    b. User’s end
    c. Developer’s & User’s end
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (a)
  28. Which of the following is also known as
    “Behavioural” testing?
    a. Black-box testing
    b. White-box testing
    c. C. Both A and B
    d. None of the above
    Answer: Option (a)
  29. Which methodology is used to perform
    Maintenance testing?
    a. Breadth test and depth test
    b. Confirmation testing
    c. Retesting
    d. Sanity testing
    Answer: Option (a)
  30. Which of the following is not part of the Test
    a. Test Case
    b. Requirements Traceability Matrix [RTM]c. Test strategy
    d. Project Initiation Note [PIN]Answer: Option (d)
  31. Which of the following testing is related to the
    boundary value analysis?
    a. White box and black box testing
    b. White-box testing
    c. Black box testing
    d. None of the above
    Answer: Option (c)
  32. Exploratory testing is a —–?
    a. Experience-based Test Design
    b. White Box Test Design Technique
    c. Black Box Test Design Technique
    d. Grey Box Test Design Technique
    Answer: Option (a)
  33. What is the best time to perform Regression
    a. After the software has been modified
    b. As frequently as possible
    c. When the environment has been modified
    d. Both option a & c
    Answer: Option (d)
  34. Which Test Document is used to define the Exit
    Criteria of Testing?
    a. Defect Report
    b. Test Summary Report
    c. Test Case
    d. Test Plan
    Answer: Option (d)
  35. Which testing technique is used for usability
    a. White-box testing
    b. Grey box testing
    c. Black Box testing
    d. Combination of all
    Answer: Option (c)
  36. Which is not the right approach of Incremental
    testing approach?
    a. Big bang approach
    b. Top-down approach
    c. Functional incrimination
    d. Bottom-up approach
    Answer: Option (a)
  37. The test levels are performed in which of the
    following order?
    a. Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance
    b. It is based on the nature of the project.
    c. Unit, Integration, Acceptance, System
    d. Unit, System, Integration, Acceptance
    Answer: Option (b)
  38. Which of the below testing is executed without
    documentation and planning is known as?
    a. Regression Testing
    b. Adhoc Testing
    c. Unit Testing
    d. None of the above
    Answer: Option (b)
  39. The Regression test case is not a ——?
    a. Tests that focus on the software
    components, which have been modified.
    b. Low-level components are combined
    into clusters, which perform a specific
    software sub-function.
    c. Additional tests that emphasize software
    functions, which are likely to be affected by
    the change.
    d. A representative sample of tests, which will
    exercise all software functions.
    Answer: Option (b)
  40. Which of the following abbreviation is correct
    for the terms SPICE?
    a. Software Process Improvement and
    Control Determination
    b. Software Process Improvement and
    Capability Determination
    c. Software Process Improvement and
    Compatibility Determination
    d. None of the above
    Answer: Option (b)
  41. “Automation testing should be performed
    before starting the manual testing” is the true
    statement or false?
    a. True
    b. False
    Answer: Option (b)
  42. ——— is the process of re-testing the modules
    that connected to the program or components after
    the modification has occurred.
    a. Regional regression Testing
    b. Re-testing
    c. Full Regression Testing
    d. Unit Regression Testing
    Answer: Option (a)
  43. Who is responsible for sprint meeting?
    a. Scrum team
    b. Scrum master
    c. Product owner
    d. All of the above
    Answer: Option (d)
  44. Generally, which testing is used when shrinkwrapped software products are being established
    and part of an integration testing?
    a. Integration Testing
    b. Validation testing
    c. Regression Testing
    d. Smoke testing
    Answer: Option (d)
  45. Given the following sets of test management
    terms (v-z), and activity descriptions (1-5), which
    one of the following best pairs the two sets?
    v – Test control
    w – Test monitoring
    x – Test estimation
    y – Incident management
    z – Configuration control
    1 – Calculation of required test resources
    2 – Maintenance of record of test results
    3 – Re-allocation of resources when tests overrun
    4 – Report on deviation from test plan
    5 – Tracking of anomalous test results
    a. v-3,w-2,x-1,y-5,z-4
    b. v-2,w-5,x-1,y-4,z-3
    c. v-3,w-4,x-1,y-5,z-2
    d. v-2,w-1,x-4,y-3,z-5
    Answer: Option (C)
  46. The oracle assumption:
    a. Is that there is some existing system
    against which test output may be checked.
    b. Is that the tests are reviewed by
    experienced testers?
    c. Is that the tester knows everything about
    the software under test.
    d. Is that the tester can routinely identify
    the correct outcome of a test.
    Answer: Option (d)
  47. Static analysis is best described as:
    a. The analysis of batch programs.
    b. The reviewing of test plans.
    c. The use of black box testing.
    d. The analysis of program code.
    Answer: Option (d)
  48. Increasing the quality of the software, by better
    development methods, will affect the time needed
    for testing (the test phases) by:
    a. Reducing test time
    b. Increasing test time
    c. No change
    d. Can’t say
    Answer: Option (a)
  49. Which of the following characterizes the cost of faults?
    a. They are easiest to find during system testing but the most expensive to fix then.
    b. They are cheapest to find in the early development phases and the most expensive to fix in the latest test phases.
    c. Faults are cheapest to find in the early development phases but the most expensive to fix then.
    d. Although faults are most expensive to find during early development phases, they are cheapest to fix then.
    Answer: Option (b)
  50. The objective of __ phase is to transform the design of the system into high-level language.
    a. Design phase
    b. Unit testing
    c. Coding
    d. Testing
    Answer: Option (c)
  51. The main advantage of adhering to coding standard is
    a. Uniform appearance to the codes written by different engineers.
    b. Enhances code understanding.
    c. Good programming practice
    d. All of the above
    Answer: Option (d)
  52. Which of the following is/are representative coding guidelines.
    a. Do not use a coding style that is too clever or too difficult to understand.
    b. Do not use an identifier for multiple purposes.
    c. The code should be well-documented.
    d. All of the above
    Answer: Option (d)
  53. Which activity should be undertaken after the
    module successfully compiles?
    a. Code review
    b. Unit testing
    c. Integration testing
    d. All of the given options
    Answer: Option (a)
  54. Which of the following is Algorithmic fault?
    a. Logic is wrong Code reviews
    b. Wrong syntax; typos Compiler
    c. Not enough accuracy
    d. Maximum load violated
    Answer: Option (a)
  55. Which of the following is Syntax fault?
    a. Logic is wrong Code reviews
    b. Wrong syntax; typos Compiler
    c. Not enough accuracy
    d. Maximum load violated.
    Answer: Option (b)
  56. Which of the following is Precision fault?
    a. Logic is wrong Code reviews.
    b. Wrong syntax; typos Compiler
    c. Not enough accuracy
    d. Maximum load violated.
    Answer: Option (c)
  57. Which of the following is Stress/Overload fault?
    a. Logic is wrong Code reviews.
    b. Wrong syntax; typos Compiler
    c. Not enough accuracy
    d. Maximum load violated.
    Answer: Option (d)
  58. Which of the following are type of code review?
    a. Code inspection
    b. Code walkthrough
    c. Both
    d. None
    Answer: Option (c)
  59. _ helps to detect the algorithmic and logical error in code.
    a. Code walkthrough
    b. Code inspection
    c. Both
    d. None
    Answer: Option (a)
    helps to detect common programming errors in code.
    a. Code walkthrough
    b. Code inspection
    c. Both
    d. None
    Answer: Option (b)
  60. Which of the following are some classical programming errors?
    a. Use of uninitialized variables.
    b. Jumps into loops.
    c. Array indices out of bound.
    d. All of the given options
    Answer: Option (d)
  61. Which of the following defines Static Analysis?
    a. The analysis of batch programs.
    b. The reviewing of test plans.
    c. The analysis of program code
    d. The use of black box testing.
    Answer: Option (c)
  62. Which of the following is true regarding Static Analysis Tools?
    a. It compares actual and expected results.
    b. It can detect memory leaks.
    c. It gives quality information about code without executing it.
    d. It tells about percentage of a code coverage.
    Answer: Option (c)
  63. ITG stands for __.
    a. instantaneous test group
    b. integration testing group
    c. individual testing group
    d. independent test group
    Answer: Option (d)
  64. Which term describes testing?
    a. Finding broken code
    b. Evaluating deliverable to find errors.
    c. A stage of all projects
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  65. What are the various Testing Levels?
    a. Unit Testing
    b. System Testing
    c. Integration Testing
    d. All of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (d)
  66. Unit testing is performed by __.
    a. Users
    b. Developers
    c. Customers
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  67. __ serve to replace modules that are subordinate (called by) the component to be tested.
    a. Stubs
    b. Driver
    c. Carrier
    d. All of the given options
    Answer: Option (a)
  68. __ is used in Bottom-up testing approach.
    a. Stubs
    b. Driver
    c. Carrier
    d. All of the given options
    Answer: Option (b)
  69. __ is used in Top-down testing approach.
    a. Stubs
    b. Driver
    c. Carrier
    d. All of the given options
    Answer: Option (a)
  70. __ is the process of testing the interface between two software units or modules?
    a. Unit Testing
    b. Integration Testing
    c. Validation Testing
    d. System Testing
    Answer: Option (b)
  71. __ is repeated testing of an already tested program, after modification, to discover any defects introduced or uncovered as a result of the changes in the software being tested?
    a. Unit Testing
    b. Regression Testing
    c. Validation Testing
    d. System Testing
    Answer: Option (b)
  72. When to do regression testing?
    a. When new functionalities are added to the application?
    b. When there is a change requirement.
    c. When there is a defect fix.
    d. All of the given options
    Answer: Option (d)
  73. __ is the process of evaluating software to determine whether it satisfies specified business requirements/client’s need?
    a. Unit Testing
    b. Integration Testing
    c. Validation Testing
    d. System Testing
    Answer: Option (c)
  74. Alpha testing is done at __.
    a. Developer’s end
    b. User’s end
    c. Developer’s & User’s end
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (a)
  75. Beta testing is done at __.
    a. User’s end
    b. Developer’s end
    c. User’s & Developer’s end
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (a)
  76. Which testing level focuses on customer usage?
    a. Alpha Testing
    b. Beta Testing
    c. Validation Testing
    d. Both Alpha and Beta
    Answer: Option (d)
  77. Black Box techniques are also known as __.
    a. Design based testing.
    b. Specification-based testing
    c. Error guessing technique
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  78. White Box techniques are also classified as __.
    a. Design based testing
    b. Structural testing
    c. Error guessing technique
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  79. Lower and upper limits are present in
    __ chart.
    a. Run chart.
    b. Bar chart
    c. Control chart
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (a)
  80. Behavioural testing is __.
    a. White box testing
    b. Black box testing
    c. Grey box testing
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  81. __ is Equivalence Partitioning.
    a. Black box testing
    b. White box testing
    c. Yellow box testing
    d. Green box testing
    Answer: Option (a)
  82. __ is Boundary Value Analysis (BVA).
    a. Black box testing
    b. White box testing
    c. Yellow box testing
    d. Green box testing
    Answer: Option (a)
  83. __ is Cyclomatic complexity.
    a. Black box testing
    b. White box testing
    c. Yellow box testing
    d. Green box testing
    Answer: Option (b)
  84. Which of the following is/are White box technique?
    a. Statement Testing
    b. Decision Testing
    c. Condition Coverage
    d. All of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (d)
  85. Boundary value analysis belong to?
    a. White Box Testing
    b. Black Box Testing
    c. White Box & Black Box Testing
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  86. Which of the following terms defines the statement, “Every statement in a program is executed at least once”?
    a. Statement Coverage
    b. Branch coverage
    c. Path coverage
    d. Program overage
    Answer: Option (a)
  87. Which of the following terms defines the statement, “Test cases are designed to make each branch condition to assume true and false values in turn”?
    a. Statement Coverage
    b. Branch coverage
    c. Path coverage
    d. Program overage
    Answer: Option (b)
  88. Which of the following terms defines the statement, “Every path is executed at least once”?
    a. Statement Coverage
    b. Branch coverage
    c. Path coverage
    d. Program overage
    Answer: Option (c)
  89. __ testing checks code.
    a. Black box testing
    b. White box testing
    c. Red box testing
    d. Green box testing
    Answer: Option (b)
  90. Testing done without planning and
    Documentation is called
    a. Unit testing
    b. Regression testing
    c. Adhoc testing
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (c)
  91. Acceptance testing is also known as__________.
    a. Grey box testing
    b. White box testing
    c. Alpha Testing
    d. Beta testing
    Answer: Option (d)
  92. __ is non-functional testing.
    a. Black box testing
    b. Performance testing
    c. Unit testing
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  93. __ is black box testing.
    a. Basic path testing
    b. Boundary value analysis
    c. Code path analysis
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  94. Software Debugging is a set of activities that can be planned in advance and conducted systematically.
    a. TRUE
    b. FALSE
    Answer: Option (b)
  95. By collecting __ during software testing, it is possible to develop meaningful guidelines to halt the testing process.
    a. Failure intensity
    b. Testing time
    c. Metrics
    d. All of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (c)
  96. Which of the following issues must be addressed if a successful software testing strategy is to be implemented?
    a. Use effective formal technical reviews as a filter prior to testing
    b. Develop a testing plan that emphasizes “rapid cycle testing.”
    c. State testing objectives explicitly
    d. All of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (d)
  97. Test cases should uncover errors like __.
    a. Non-existent loop termination
    b. Comparison of different data types
    c. Incorrect logical operators or precedence
    d. All of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (a)
  98. __ is considered as an adjunct to the coding step.
    a. Integration testing
    b. Unit testing
    c. Completion of Testing
    d. Regression Testing
    Answer: Option (a)
  99. __ is not regression test case.
    a. A representative sample of tests that will exercise all software functions.
    b. Additional tests that focus on software functions that are likely to be affected by the change.
    c. Tests that focus on the software components that have been changed.
    d. Low-level components are combined into clusters that perform a specific software sub-function.
    Answer: Option (d)
  100. __ testing integrates the set of classes required to respond to one input or event for the system.
    a. cluster testing
    b. thread-based testing
    c. use-based testing
    d. none of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  101. Which of the following is one of the steps in the integration testing of OO software?
    a. cluster testing
    b. thread-based testing
    c. use-based testing
    d. none of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (a)
  102. Which methods can be used to drive validations tests?
    a. Yellow-box testing
    b. Black-box testing
    c. White-box testing
    d. All of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
    105 __ is a part of testing OO code.
    a. Validation tests
    b. Integration tests
    c. Class tests
    d. System tests
    Answer: Option (c)
  103. In which of the following testing strategies, a smallest testable unit is the encapsulated class or object?
    a. Unit testing
    b. Integration testing
    c. System testing
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (a)
  104. Software Testing with real data in real environment is known as__________.
    a. Alpha testing
    b. Beta testing
    c. Regression testing
    d. None of the given options.
    Answer: Option (b)
  105. Beta Testing is done by__________.
    a. Developers
    b. Testers
    c. Users
    d. All of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (c)
Dheeraj Pal:

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