Given N gold wires, each wire has a length associated with it. At a time, only two

Given N gold wires, each wire has a length associated with it. At a time, only two adjacent small wires are assembled at the end of a large wire and the cost of forming is the sum of their length. Find the minimum cost when all wires are assembled to form a single wire. For … Read more

You need to press A store has different categories of products in stock shown below TCS Code

A store has different categories of products in stock as shown below.Item Number=[101, 102, 103, 108]Item Name=[Milk, Cheese , Ghee, Bread]Price=[42, 50, 500, 40]Stock =[10, 20, 15, 16] When user give input with 2 values as Item number for item which user wish to buy Quantity for the item entered above When user enters above … Read more