Multiple Choice Questions on Renewable Energy Resources [ ROE086 MCQ ] UNIT 2

Renewable Energy Resources – ROE086
(Option In bold font is Answer)
1. The efficiency of the solar cell is about
(a). 25 %
(b). 15 %
(c). 40 %
(d). 60 %
2. Direct Solar energy is used for
(a). Water heating
(b). Distillation
(c). Drying
(d). All of the above
3. Which radiation has a unique path ?
(a). Direct
(b). Diffuse
(c). Both
4. What is the standard value of solar constant ?
(a). 1366 W/m^2
(b). 1367 W/m^2
(c). 1368 W/m^2
(d). 1370 W/m^2
5. The rate of incident energy per unit area of a surface is known as:
(a). Albedo
(b). Irradiance
(c). Zenith
(d). None of above
6. A ball dropped on the sand bed creates a depression due to its
(a). Potential energy
(b). Kinetic energy
(c). Position energy
(d). None of the above
7. Composting is a method of disposal of organic solid waste. Where was the country’s first aerobic
composting plant set up in 1992?
(a). Delhi
(b). Mumbai
(c). Kolkata
(d). Chennai
8. How much water can be heated in a day by a 2-m´ flat-plate collector?
(a). 50 litres
(b). 100 litres
(c). 300 litres
Multiple Choice Questions on Renewable Energy Resources ROE086 MCQ
(d). 500 litres
9. The electricity from small hydropower is generated through
(a). IC engine
(b). Steam engine
(c). Turbine and generator
(d). Transformers
10. At present, what position India occupies in terms of the generation of wind power in the world?
(a). Fourth
(b). First
(c). Third
(d). Ninth
11. Which of the following areas in India has the most promising geothermal field?
(a). Puga valley in Ladakh
(b). The Sundarbans in West Bengal
(c). Tattapani in Orissa
(d). Dehra Dun in Uttarakhand
12. Which of the following is the biggest source of biogas in rural India?
(a). Kitchen waste
(b). Leaves
(c). Cow dung
(d). Industrial waste
13. Which renewable energy source contributes to maximum generation of power in India?
(a). Wind
(b). Solar
(c). Geothermal
(d). Biomass
14. The energy possessed by an object due to its motion is known as
(a). Potential energy
(b). Kinetic energy
(c). Motion energy
(d). None of the above
15. Which of these is the organic waste in the garbage?
(a). Plastic bags
(b). Vegetable peels
(c). Glass
(d). Metal
16. In which form of energy can the solar energy be used?
(a). Thermal energy
(b). Electrical energy
(c). Mechanical energy
(d). All of the above
Multiple Choice Questions on Renewable Energy Resources ROE086 MCQ
17. The term penstock is related to
(a). Solar energy
(b). Wind energy
(c). Small hydropower
(d). Biomass
18. Horizontal-axis wind mills of modern design can
(a). Always turn to face wind
(b). Not adjust its output
(c). Not turn to winds directions
(d). Not turn to face wind
19. What is the main by product of burning hydrogen for fuel?
(a) Water
(b) Ash
(c) Oxygen
(d) Steam
20. The maximum number of family-size biogas plants installed in the world are in
(a) USA
(b) India
(c) Germany
(d) China
21. The heat from the interior of the earth that can be utilized as source of energy is called
(a) Geothermal energy
(b) Earthquake energy
(c) Systemic energy
(d) Earth crest energy
22. The zenith angle is the angle made by the sun’s rays with the _____ to a _____ surface.
(a). normal, horizontal
(b). tangent, horizontal
(c). normal, vertical
(d). tangent, vertical
23. Solar radiation flux is usually measured with the help of a
(a). Anemometer
(b). Pyranometer
(c). Sunshine recorder
(d). All of the above
24. The angle made by the plane surface with the horizontal is known as
(a). Latitude
(b). Slope
(c). Surface azimuth angle
(d). Declination
Multiple Choice Questions on Renewable Energy Resources ROE086 MCQ
25. The angle made in the horizontal plane between the horizontal line due south and the projection of
the normal to the surface on the horizontal plane is
(a). Hour angle
(b). Declination
(c). Surface azimuth angle
(d). Solar altitude angle
26. The hour angle is equivalent to
(a). 10° per hour
(b). 15° per hour
(c). 20° per hour
(d). 25° per hour
27. The complement of zenith angle is
(a). Solar altitude angle
(b). Surface azimuth angle
(c). Solar azimuth angle
(d). Slope
28. The following type of energy is stored as latent heat
(a). Thermal energy
(b). Chemical energy
(c). Electrical energy
(d). Mechanical energy
29. The power from the sun intercepted by the earth is approximately
(a). 1.8 x 10^(8) MW
(b). 1.8 x 10^(11) MW
(c). 1.8 x 10^(14) MW
(d). 1.8 x 10^(17) MW
30. In the paraboloid dish concept, the concentrator tracks the sun by rotating about
(a). One axes
(b). Two axes
(c). Three axes
(d). None of the above
31. Maximum efficiency is obtained in
(a). Flat plate collector
(b). Evacuated tube collector
(c). Line focussing collector
(d). Paraboloid dish collector
32. A liquid flat plate collector is usually held tilted in a fixed position, facing ___ if located in the
northern hemisphere.
(a). North
(b). South
(c). East
(d). West
33. Surface azimuth angle varies from
Multiple Choice Questions on Renewable Energy Resources ROE086 MCQ
(a). 0 to 90°
(b). -90 to 90°
(c). 0 to 180°
(d). -180° to 180°
34. What is unit of nuclear radiation?
(a). Reaumur
(b). Roentgen
(c). Rankine
(d). Pascal
35. HLW stands for ______.
(a). High and Low water
(b). High Level Waste
(c). Heated Low Level water
(d). High and Low Waste
36. Local Apparent Time or Local Solar Time is defined as
(a). Standard time – Equation of time correction ± 4(standard time longitude – longitude of
(b). Standard time + Equation of time correction + 4(standard time longitude – longitude of
(c). Standard time + Equation of time correction – 4(standard time longitude – longitude of
(d). Standard time + Equation of time correction ± 4(standard time longitude – longitude of
37. Solar cells,for power generation,entail the following major disadvantages
(a). Variable power
(b). High cost
(c). Lack of availability
(d). Large area requirement
38. Which type of absorber increases the heat transfer area over a simple flat plate absorber of the
same capacity?
(a). Porous absorber plate
(b). Non-porous absorber plate
(c). Over lapped glass absorber
(d). Finned absorber
39. How is heat loss over come in liquid plate collectors?
(a). By insulation
(b). By casing
(c). By the transparent cover
(d). From provided tubes
40. Which part of flat plate collectors is coated in black?
(a). Transparent cover
(b). Absorber plate
(c). Insulation
(d). Fins
Multiple Choice Questions on Renewable Energy Resources ROE086 MCQ
41. What are provided to minimize heat loss?
(a). Absorber plate
(b). Surface plate
(c). Insulation
(d). Casing
42. Temperature attained by cylindrical parabolic collector is of the order of
(a). 50 – 100°C
(b). 100 – 150°C
(c). 150 – 200°C
(d). 200 – 300°C
43. The function of a solar collector is of converting solar energy into
(a). Radiations
(b). Electrical energy directions
(c). Thermal energy
(d). All of these
44. Reflector mirrors used for exploiting the solar energy are called
(a). Mantle
(b). Heliostats
(c). Diffusers
(d). Ponds
45. A pyrometer is used for the measurements of
(a). Diffuse radiations only
(b). Direct radiations only
(c). Both direct and diffused radiations
(d). None of the above