Renewable Energy MCQ (Geothermal Energy) Unit – 6 AKTU

Geothermal Energy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers focuses on Origin of Winds – 2 . Renewable Energy MCQ unit 6 – Here’s the list of chapters on the “Renewable Energy” subject covering 100+ topics. You can practice the Renewable Energy 1000+ MCQ questions chapter by chapter starting from the 1st chapter or you can jump to any chapter of your choice.

The section contains MCQs on geothermal energy applications, origin and distribution, geothermal resources types and environmental consideration.

  • Applications
  • Origin and Distribution of Geothermal Energy
  • Types of Geothermal Resources – 1
  • Types of Geothermal Resources – 2
  • Environmental Consideration
  • Geothermal Energy in India

Geothermal Energy Questions and Answers – Applications

  1. Which of the following is not a renewable source of energy?
    a) Fossil fuels
    b) Sun
    c) Biomass
    d) Wind

Answer: a
Explanation: Fossil fuels are not a renewable source of energy because they take millions of years to form. Sun, biomass and wind are renewable sources because they are virtually infinite.

  1. Which of the following is a thermal application of solar energy?
    a) Photovoltaic
    b) Concentrating collectors
    c) Solar cell
    d) Electricity

Answer: b
Explanation: Concentrating collectors are a thermal application of solar energy. Photovoltaic and solar cells convert sunlight into electrical current thereby generating electricity.

  1. What is a solar collector?
    a) A device that generates current
    b) A device that collects and stores sunlight
    c) A device that collects and concentrates sunlight
    d) A device that filters sunlight

Answer: c
Explanation: A solar collector is a device that collects and/or concentrates the incoming sunlight for heating purposes. A solar water heater is an example of solar collector. A device that filters sunlight is called an optical filter.

  1. What is a non-concentrating solar collector?
    a) Collects and stores sunlight
    b) Collects and concentrates sunlight
    c) Reflects sunlight
    d) Directly uses the incoming global radiation

Answer: d
Explanation: A non-concentrating solar collector directly uses the incoming global radiation without concentrating it. The simples design is the flat plate collector. Since ideality does not exist, every practical collector reflects sunlight due to manufacturing problems.

  1. What is a concentrating solar collector?
    a) Collects and concentrates sunlight on an absorber
    b) Collects and concentrates sunlight on a reflector
    c) Reflects sunlight
    d) Directly uses the incoming global radiation

Answer: a
Explanation: A concentrating solar collector concentrates the incident sunlight onto an absorber. The net intensity on the absorber is increased by concentrating sunlight through multiple collectors collectively.

  1. What are the applications of concentrating solar collectors?
    a) Domestic water heating
    b) Desalination plants
    c) Linear focusing
    d) Point focusing

Answer: b
Explanation: Desalination plants use concentrating solar collectors for heating purposes. Linear and point focusing are types of concentrating solar collectors. Domestic water heating is generally done by non-concentrating solar collectors.

  1. How does geothermal energy work?
    a) Uses water from the earth
    b) Uses potential energy
    c) Uses heat from the core of earth
    d) Uses heat from atmosphere

Answer: c
Explanation: Geothermal energy works by using heat from the core of earth. Geothermal plants are generally set up near hot springs to generate electricity from the readily available steam.

  1. Which of the following do heat pumps use in geothermal energy?
    a) Earth’s variable temperature
    b) Variable electricity
    c) Constant electricity
    d) Earth’s constant temperature

Answer: d
Explanation: Geothermal heat pumps use the constant temperature of earth as an exchange medium for heat. Although seasonal changes vary the atmospheric temperature, the temperatures below the earth’s surface remains relatively constant.

  1. Which of the following is an application of hydro energy?
    a) Flood risk management
    b) Generating wind
    c) Manufacturing
    d) Environment damage

Answer: a
Explanation: Flood risk management is an application of hydro energy as the water is stored or emptied according to the situation. Manufacturing and wind generation are not applications of hydro energy. Environment damage due to dams is its disadvantage.

  1. Hydro energy provide water for irrigation
    a) False
    b) True

Answer: b
Explanation: Hydro energy is used to provide water for irrigation. Canals are constructed to divert rivers to farms. Also, hydro energy is used to generate electricity for irrigation pumps.

  1. Why are renewable resources preferred?
    a) Cheap
    b) Profitable
    c) Release little greenhouse gases
    d) Are freely available

Answer: c
Explanation: Renewable resources of energy are preferred because they release very little greenhouse gases. The shift towards renewable resources is due to two main reasons – depletion of fossil fuels and rise of earth’s temperature due to greenhouse gases.

  1. Which of the following is a thermal application of biomass?
    a) Freezing
    b) Anaerobic Digestion
    c) Fermentation
    d) Combustion

Answer: d
Explanation: Biomass is being increasingly used as fuel by many small scale industries. They burn the biomass to generate heat which is further used to perform various operations. Anaerobic digestion and fermentation do not release heat.

  1. Why is biomass gasification useful?
    a) To get gases which can be used as fuel
    b) To reduce solid waste
    c) To increase solid waste
    d) Biomass gasifiers are economical

Answer: a
Explanation: One of the main uses of biomass gasification is the generation of various gases. Each gas is collected and sold to the right vendor. Gases like hydrogen are used as fuel while nitrogen is used in chemical industries.

  1. Which of the following use producer gas from biomass?
    a) Hydrothermal plant
    b) Paper and textile industry
    c) Wind plants
    d) Fuel cells

Answer: b
Explanation: Paper and textile industry use fuel-fired furnaces like dryers that run on producer gas generated from biomass gasification. Wind plants, fuel cells and hydrothermal plants do not use producer gas.

  1. Biomass is used to produce electricity.
    a) True
    b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: Biomass is used as fuel for heating purposes. This heat can be used to drive turbines to generate electricity. In fact, there are anaerobic biological methods that use biomass as food to directly generate electric current.

Origin and Distribution of Geothermal Energy

  1. How is the heat inside earth restored?
    a) Radioactive decay of elements
    b) Sun restores the heat
    c) Hot steam is pumped into earth
    d) Cosmic rays

Answer: a
Explanation: Earth’s heat is generated and restored by the radioactive decay of radioactive elements. These elements are found in the mantle and core. Pumping hot steam, sun’s heat and cosmic rays do not contribute to restoration of earth’s heat.

  1. What is the increase in temperature per kilometer starting from the crust?
    a) 15 degree Celsius
    b) 17 – 30 degree Celsius
    c) 100 degree Celsius
    d) 50 – 87 degree Celsius

Answer: b
Explanation: The normal temperature gradient with respect to depth – increase in the temperature per kilometer is 17 – 30 degree Celsius. It is 50 – 87 in degree F.

  1. What is the earth’s core made up of?
    a) Gamma rays
    b) Nitrogen
    c) Iron
    d) Gold

Answer: c
Explanation: Earth’s core lies 4000 miles below the surface and consists of two layers. The core is made up of solid iron and is surrounded by molted iron.

  1. Which of the following surrounds the earth’s core?
    a) Mt. Everest
    b) Crust
    c) Hydrogen
    d) Mantle

Answer: d
Explanation: The earth’s core is surrounded by mantle. It consists of rocks and magma. It is about 1800 miles thick starting from the core.

  1. What is continental drift?
    a) Tectonic plates pushing against each other
    b) Continents being pulled due to gravitational force
    c) Continents being pulled due to nuclear force
    d) Tectonic plates expanding

Answer: a
Explanation: The earth’s crust is not a uniform layer like the shell of an egg. It is made up of tectonic plates. These plates push against each other at the rate of 1 inch per year in a process called continental drift.

  1. Who initiated electricity generation from geothermal energy?
    a) Indians
    b) Italians
    c) Americans
    d) Africans

Answer: b
Explanation: Hot springs were used for recreational and healing purposes in the ancient times. However, the converting geothermal energy to electricity is a relatively new concept. It was initiated by Italians in 1904.

  1. Why did the first Geysers project in California fail?
    a) Did not find geothermal site
    b) Insufficient steam
    c) Corrosion of equipment
    d) Availability of pure steam

Answer: c
Explanation: The first Geysers project in California failed because of impurities in the steam at the geothermal site. These impurities corroded and abraded the pipes and turbines of the day.

  1. Which of the following countries hosts the largest geothermal field?
    a) Iran
    b) Italy
    c) Australia
    d) United States

Answer: d
Explanation: Geothermal energy is now used in more than 20 countries across the globe. The largest geothermal field is hosted by United States. It is known as “The Geysers” and is located in California. It is spread over 117 km2 and consists of 22 power plants with a capacity of 1.5GW.

  1. Which of the following is used to locate a geothermal site?
    a) Drilling wells
    b) Reflection
    c) Seismograph
    d) SONAR

Answer: a
Explanation: Drilling wells to measure underground temperature is a well known method to locate geothermal sites. Reflection, seismograph and SONAR are not used to locate geothermal site. In fact, seismograph detects earthquakes.

  1. Which of the following is the most probably location of geothermal site?
    a) Grasslands
    b) Volcanoes
    c) Coasts
    d) River beds

Answer: b
Explanation: Most active geothermal sites are located along major plate boundaries where earthquakes and volcanoes are concentrated. Coasts, grasslands and river beds hardly experience any volcanoes so they are not the most probable location.

  1. Most of the geothermal activity occurs at __
    a) Ring of water
    b) Mt. Everest
    c) Ring of fire
    d) Amsterdam

Answer: c
Explanation: Most of the geothermal activity occurs in an area called “Ring of Fire”. It rims the Pacific Ocean and is bounded by Japan, the Philippines, the Aleutian Islands, North America, Central America and South America.

  1. Which of the following is the major drawback of geothermal energy?
    a) Low initial cost
    b) Low carbon dioxide production
    c) High carbon dioxide production
    d) Extremely location specific
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Answer: d
Explanation: The major drawback of geothermal energy is its dependence on the geothermal site. In fact, it is probably the most location specific energy source. Also, the power plants are accused of causing mini tremors in the surrounding areas.

  1. Geothermal energy has high initial cost.
    a) True
    b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: Geothermal has a high initial cost because of the costs required to locate the geothermal site. The cost of admission also includes construction of the power plant at the site.

  1. Which of the following gases is released by a geothermal site and power plant?
    a) Carbon dioxide
    b) Sulphur
    c) Iron
    d) Steel

Answer: b
Explanation: Geothermal sites and power plants are accused of releasing sulphur and hydrogen sulfide. It has low carbon dioxide emissions. Iron and steel are not gases.

  1. Lord Kelvin invented the heat pump.
    a) True
    b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: Lord Kelvin invented the heat pump in 1853. Heinrich Zoelly had patented the idea to draw heat from ground in 192. The heat pump was practically implemented in the late 1940s.

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