Renewable Energy Resources [ROE-086]

(Option In bold font is Answer)
1. Energy is defined as
(a) Capacity of doing work
(b) Lifting a body
(c) Displacing a body with force
(d) None of the above
2. The present estimated potential of small hydropower in our country is about
(a) 15 000 MW
(b) 10 000 MW
(c) 11 000 MW
(d) 12 000 MW
3. The ultimate source of energy on the earth is
(a) Electricity
(b) Natural gas
(c) The sun
(d) Plants
4. Which of the following types of energy is derived from oceans?
(a) Tidal energy
(b) Sea energy
(c) Wind energy
(d) Hydropower
5. Wind turbine uses
(a) Kinetic energy
(b) Potential energy
(c) Chemical energy
(d) Thermal energy
6. The energy density of renewable sources as compared to the conventional sources is
(a) Very High
(b) The same
(c) Low
7. Which of these activities would result in a sustainable supply
of biomass?
(a) Wide-scale logging
(b) Coppcing
(c) Hedge laying
(d) Slash and burn
8. Which of the following fuels can be produced by fermenting sugar cane, sawdust, corn or wood
(a) Alcohol
(b) Biogas
(c) Produces gas
(d) Bio-diesel
Multiple Choice Questions on Renewable Energy Resources [ROE-086]
9. The unit of energy is
(a) Calorie
(b) Joule
(c) Kilogram/metre
(d) kg
10. What is the local name of harnessing power from water in hilly areas?
(a) Gharat
(b) Panchakki
(c) Hydro mill
(d) All of the above
11. The diameter of the sun is approximately
(a) 156 x 10 metres
(b) 1.39 x 10 metres
(c) 1.39 x 10 metres
(d) 1.39 x 10′ metres
12. Hydrogen can play an important role as an alternative to conventional fuels as
(a) An energy carrier
(b) An energy device
(c) A fossil fuel source
(d) An energy system
13. Which is the leading country in the generation of wind power?
(a) Germany
(b) USA
(c) India
(d) Denmark
14. The remains of dead sea creatures make
(a) Coal
(b) Oil
(c) Nice ear rings
(d) Salt
15. In rural areas, the locally generated gas from cattle dung used for cooking and lighting is
commonly known as
(a) Biogas
(b) Oxygen
(c) Ammonia
(d) Carbon dioxide
16 . Urban waste can also be used for
(a) Composting
(b) Power generation
(c) Steam generation
(d) All of the above
17. The disadvantage of renewable energy:-
(a). Pollution is high
(b). Available only in a few places
(c). Running cost is high
(d). Unreliable supply
Multiple Choice Questions on Renewable Energy Resources
18. A Solar cell is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by
which effect:-
(a). Physical effect
(b). Chemical effect
(c). Photovoltaic effect
(d). Photosynthesis effect
19. The main composition of biogas is:-
(a). Hydrogen
(b). Methane
(c). Nitrogen
(d). Carbon dioxide
20. Ministry which is mainly responsible for research and development in renewable energy sources
such as solar power, wind power, small hydro, biogas etc.:-
(a). Human Resource Development
(b). Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
(c). Health and Family Welfare
(d). Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
21. India has a large amount of installed grid interactive renewable power capacity:-
(a). Small Hydro power
(b). Solar power
(c). Wind power
(d). Biogas power
22. World’s first 100 percent solar powered international airport:-
(a). Mumbai, Maharashtra
(b). Cohin, Kerla
(c). Chennai, Tamilnadu
(d). Hyderabad, Telangana
23. Which of the following is not under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE):-
(a). Large hydro power energy
(b). Wind energy
(c). Solar energy
(d). Tidal energy
24. Largest Wind Farm in India is located at:-
(a). Chakala Wind Farm, Maharashtra
(b). Jaisalmer Wind Park, Rajasthan
(c). Vaspet Wind Farm, Maharashtra
(d). Muppandal Wind Farm, Tamil Nadu
25. Conventional energy sources may also called as:-
(a). Commercial energy sources
(b). Non renewable energy sources
(c). Both
(d). None of these
26. Coal energy is mainly composed of:-
(a). Methane
(b). Carbon and hydrocarbons
(c). Nitrogen
(d). Propane
Multiple Choice Questions on Renewable Energy Resources [ROE-086]
27 . Coal produces ________________ which is the cause of acid rain.
(a). Carbon mono-oxide
(b). Carbon dioxide
(c). Sulphar dioxide
(d). None of these
28 . Natural gas is mainly composed of:-
(a). Carbon and hydrocarbons
(b). Methane with small amount of propane and ethane
(c). Nitrogen
(d). Hydrogen
29. Solar energy can be used as:-
(a). By direct conversion to a fuel by photosynthesis
(b). By conversion to electricity via thermo-electric power system
(c). By direct conversion to electricity by photovoltaic
(d). All of these.
30. The sun releases the enormous amount of energy due to continuous _________ reaction taking
place inside the sun.
(a). Fission
(b). Fusion
(c). Both
(d). None of these
31. The sun sends out the energy in the form of radiations at the rate of _________. However, the
energy intercepted by the earth is about ______.
(a). 3.7×10^(20) MW, 1.85×10^(11) MW
(b). 3.7×10^(10) MW, 1.85×10^(1) MW
(c). 3.7×10^(30) MW, 1.85×10^(111) MW
(d). None of these
32. Which energy is developed by the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon
(a). Wind energy
(b). Tidal energy
(c). Geothermal energy
(d). Solar energy
33. Full form of OTEC.
(a). Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
(b). Ocean Temperature Energy Conversion
(c). Outer Temperature Energy Conversion
(d). None of these
34. The motion of the sea surface in the form of wind waves forms a source of energy called as
(a). Wind energy
(b). Wave energy
(c). Tidal energy
(d). None of these
35 . There is an __________ in the temperature of the earth with increasing depth below the surface.
Multiple Choice Questions on Renewable Energy Resources
(a). Decrease
(b). Increase
(c). Both
(d). Not fixed
37. Ministry of Non Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) renamed as ministry of New and
Renewable Energy (MNRE) in _______.
(a). 1981
(b). 1982
(c). 1992
(d). 2006
38. The Jawaharlal Nehru national solar mission was launched on the ___________.
(a). 11 January, 2010
(b). 11 January, 2002
(c). 11 January, 2006
(d). 11 January, 2012
39. Materials may used for solar cell.
(a). CuInSe2
(b). CaS, GaAs, Cu2S
(c). CdTe, ZnTe
(d). All of these
40. The choice of materials for solar cell depends on the _________.
(a). Cost
(b). Band energy gap
(c). Efficiency
(d). All of these
41. Photons of quantum energy ________ cannot contribute to photoelectric current production.
(a). hv>Eg
(b). hv=Eg
(c). hv<Eg
(d). None of these
42. Cell quantity is maximum when the value of ‘fill factor’ approaches to ________.
(a). Greater than unity
(b). Equal to unity
(c). Lesser than unity
(d). None of these
43. Maximum efficiency solar cell types in latest_______.
(a). Multi-junction concentrator solar cells
(b). Polycrystalline photovoltaic or thin-film solar cells
(c). Monocrystalline silicon solar cells
(d). Amorphous silicon solar cells
44. The capacity of battery is expressed in _______.
Multiple Choice Questions on Renewable Energy Resources [ROE-086]
(a). Watts
(b). Ampere-hours
(c). Ampere-watts
(d). Ampere-volts
45. The applications of photovoltaic systems are_______.
(a). Solar street light
(b). Water pumping system
(c). Solar vehicles
(d). All of these
46. A moving ball possesses
(a). Potential energy
(b). Kinetic energy
(c). Motion energy
(d). Heat energy
47 . Proper disposal of hazardous toxic waste is essential as exposure to it can cause serious problems
to the health. Which is potentially the safest means of disposing off the most toxic wastes?
(a). Briquetting
(b). High temperature incineration
(c). Landfills
(d). Fermentation
48. How many days in a year, on an average, is solar energy vailable in India?
(a). 100 days
(b). 150 days
(c). 225 days
(d). 300 days
49 . Electricity generation from small hydropower is common in
(a). Plain areas
(b). Coastal areas
(c). Hilly areas
(d). Offshore areas
50. Which is the leading state in India in the generation of wind power?
(a). Gujarat
(b). Andhra Pradesh
(c). Maharashtra
(d). Tamil Nadu
51. What are the disadvantages of using geothermal energy?
(a) It is not available everywhere. I
(b) It is available only in those areas where there are hot rocks near the earth surface.
(c) Deep drilling in the earth to obtain geothermal energy is technically very difficult and
(d) All of the above
52. Which is the most commonly used fuel in rural areas of India?
(a) Animal dung
(b) Crop
(a) (C) Coal
(c) Fuel wood
53. Natural gas is transported mainly through
Multiple Choice Questions on Renewable Energy Resources [ROE-086]
(a) Pipelines
(b) Trucks
(c) Barges
(d) All of the above
54. The unit of energy is named after
(a) The Greek scientist Mr Archimedes
(b) A British scientist Mr James Prescott Joule
(c) A British scientist Issac Newton
(d) An Italian scientist Galilio Galilli
55. India generates about 4.5 million tonnes of hazardous waste every year. Direct exposure to which
of these two chemicals in hazardous waste can cause death?
(a) Mercury and arsenic
(b) Cyanide and sulphur
(c) Sulphur and arsenic
(d) Mercury and cyanide
56. The state that has maximum installation of small hydropower units in terms of megawatt is
(a) Karnataka
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Uttarakhand
(d) Sikkim
57. What does FPC stand for in solar energy?
(a) Fluid plate circuit
(b) Fixed plate collectors
(c) Flat plate collectors
(d) None of the above
58. In which country was the first large wind turbine connected to a grid?
(a) The United States
(b) Denmark
(c) India
(d) Germany
59. Which country was the first to use geothermal energy to generate power?
(a) Italy
(b) China
(c) USA
(d) UK
60. Which gas has a major share in biogas?
(a) Nitrogen
(b) Methane
(c) Carbon monoxide
(d) Hydrogen
61. Solar, biomass, geothermal, wind, and hydropower are all the renewable sources of energy. They
are called renewable because they
(a). Are clean and free to use
(b). Can be converted directly into heat and electricity
(c). Can be replenished by nature in a short period of time
(d). Do not produce air pollution