D Pharmacy Biochemistry And Clinical Pathology MCQ Questions And Answers D-pharmacy Students in this article we have provided Biochemistry and clinical pathology mcq with answers. biochemistry and clinical pathology mcq questions is ideal for students who are in first year of D-pharmacy course.
In this biochemistry and clinical pathology d pharmacy mcq with the help of biochemistry and clinical pathology mcq with answers D-pharmacy students can practice for their upcoming exams.
D Pharmacy MCQ Questions And Answers
Biochemistry And Clinical Pathology MCQ
D Pharma subjects
subjects in D Pharmacy 1st year 1st Year

1. Sucrose is a
(A) Monosaccharide
(B) Disaccharide
(C) Polysaccharide
(D) Non of the Above
Ans – B
2. Total number of ATP molecules yield in the TCA cycle are
(A) 36
(B) 28
(C) 38
(D) 48
Ans – C
3. The end products of glycolysis in aerobics condition is
(A) Pyruvate
(B) Malate
(C) Succinate
(D) None of the Above
Ans – A
4. The two main components of starch are
(A) Glucose and Fructose
(B) Amylose and Amylopectin
(C) Glycogen and Cellulose
(D) None of the Above
Ans – B
5. Present of starch can be detected by which test
(A) Iodine Test
(B) Molish Test
(C) Tommers Test
(D) Benedicts Test
Ans – A
6. Glucose and Galactose are ——- of each other
(A) Monomers
(B) Epimers
(C) Polymer
(D) Non of the Above
Ans – B
Biochemistry And Clinical Pathology MCQ
7. The general test for carbohydrates is
(A) Molish Test
(B) Iodine Test
(C) Tommers Test
(D) Benedicts Test
Ans – A
8. TCA cycle is also called
(A) Carnot cycle
(B) Urea cycle
(C) Krebs cycle
(D) None of the Above
Ans – C
9. Starch is found in
(A) Potatoes
(B) Tomatoes
(C) Apple
(D) Non of the Above
Ans – A
10. Ribose is a constituent of
(A) Nucleic acid
(B) Ascorbic acid
(C) Lactic acid
(D) Formic acid
Ans – A
11. Starch is a
(A) Homo Polysaccharide
(B) Hetero Polysaccharide
(C) Tetra saccharide
(D) None of the Above
Ans – A
12. The pH at Which an amino acid has no net charge and hence does not move in an electric field is known as
(A) Electric point
(B) Isoelectric point
(C) Optical electric point
(D) Non of the Above
Ans – B
13. Amino acids are linked together by a ……….in protein molecules
(A) Peptide bonds
(B) Hydrogen bonds
(C) Amide bonds
(D) Non of the Above
Ans – A
14. One example of an essential amino acid is
(A) Glycine
(B) Alanine
(C) Cysteine
(D) Arginine
Ans – D
Biochemistry And Clinical Pathology MCQ
15. One example of a non essential amino acid is
(A) Valine
(B) Histidine
(C) Glycine
(D) Arginine
Ans – C
16. Thyroxine is formed in which gland
(A) Pituitary gland
(B) Thyroid gland
(C) Pancreas gland
(D) Non of the Above
Ans – B
17. Enzymes are made up of
(A) Lipid
(B) Fat
(C) Protein
(D) Non of the Above
Ans – C
18. Oils are………..at normal temperature
(A) Liquid
(B) Solid
(C) Gas
(D) Vapour
Ans – A
19. Sucrose on hydrolysis formed
(A) Glucose + Glucose
(B) Glucose + Fructose
(C) Glucose + Galactose
(D) Non of the Above
Ans – B
20. Lactose on hydrolysis formed
(A) Glucose + Glucose
(B) Glucose + Fructose
(C) Glucose + Galactose
(D) Non of the Above
Ans – C