Table of Contents

1- Is it allowed to share contact details.

Ans- It is okay if the employer asks first provided that the project is awarded and that
you have informed your recruiter about the exchange of contact details.

2- is sending or stating your contact details or mentioning other sites where your information or your portfolio are displayed allowed?

You are allowed to share after the recruiter project has been awarded. Should the project not be awarded

you need to request permission from the recruiter on the project first.

3- True or false: you are allowed to provide contact details on your profile and/or bids


4- what should i do when an employer asks for contact details?

Write ‘Unfortunately’it is agaist T&C and not advised to take communication offsite. In order to do
so I need to first ask the recruiter for permission.

 5- what should i do when employer asks to pay directly using paypal or another payment gateway?

Tell the Employer payments should remain in the site and notify the recruiter on the project.

6- what should i do if an employer wants to have a skype call about the project before it is awarded?

Contact a Recruiter and ask for permission to share offsite communication details with the employer.

7- would it be considered offsite communication

if the employer shares their contact details first
the project is awarded?

Yes, should you need to engage with them off-site,

you need to gain permission from a recruiter first

8- Would it be considered off-siting if an employer shared login credentials of their website with you
or asked you to use team-viewer to discuss a project?


9- when should you turn off your preferred freelancer badge?

When you are unavailable , going on vaccation, or too busy to take on new projects

10- where you can turn off your preferred freelancer badge?

Under settings and then account

11- Do you pay preferred freelancer project fees on recruiter projects if your badge if turned off?


12- would you be penalised for not communicating with an employer that you would be away or need to delayed the agreed time-delivery of a project?

Yes, you would be penalised as it is important to communicate with an employer and update them
on the status of a project especially should you not be able to complete a deliverable on time.

13- what should you do when chat is opened for you by a recruiter and employer is unavailable?

Send a short message, introducing yourself and letting the employer know your working hours
and when you will be available to discuss the project with them.

14- what is an upfront payment ?

Discussing a brief with an employer and once awarded the first milestone is requested before
delivering any work.

15- what happens when you request an upfront payment?

Withdrawals will be frozen until work is delivered.

16- If you do research for establishing if you can take on a project, would you be allowed to request
a milestone release for that without delivering any work yet?


17- If you need to buy something for the project, be it a license, template or program to work on
the project, what do you do?

Include it in the first milestone, but make sure that it is also followed by the agreed to deliverables.
No milestones should be released without work done.

18- You are allowed to charge 50% at the beginning of a recruiter project?

No that would be an upfront payment.

19- Are you allowed to discuss project fees with the employers?

No discussion of fees is not allowed, you should always include the fee in the total price you gave
to the employer.

20- what should you do if your employer wants you to create a secondary project from a recruiter project, through ‘Hire-me’ or a normal project?

Notify a recruiter about this as you were invited to this project via the preferred freelancer program and let them know what the project ID is.

21- what will happen when you circumvent fees?

You need to pay 30% of the awarded value of the project or be removed from the program.

22- Are you allowed to request reviews or rating before the project is completed?

You can ask for them once project is completed.

23- would it be considered fee avoidance if a recruiter hourly project was closed to create a non-recruiter
fix price project?


24- how should you respond to an invitation to a project?

By telling the recruiter about your experience and sending relevant examples of work.

25- what would happen if you blackmailed, threatened or unprofessional communication with an employer?

You will be immediately removed from the PFP.

26- How should you FIRST address the employer?

Hi there

27- Under what circumstances should you spam the employer with messages?


28- what percentage of disputes can you have in a six month period and still meet the minimum
requirements to stay in the PFP?


29- what percentage of the projects do you need to accept to stay in the program?


30- What percentage of the completed projects do you need to maintain?


31- what is a ‘Timeout’?

A ‘timeout’ is issued when you have broken the rules of the service agreement and will be given
no invitations for three days.

32- As a preferred freelancer are you allowed to consistently be awarded projects that you then break down into smaller parts for other freelancers to complete?


33- Are you allowed to have a duplicate preferred freelancer account  in the program?

No and if you do you will have to close one or both will be closed.

34- If you are a company and not an individual what kind of photo should you have on your profile?

A professional company logo

4- If you are a company and not an individual what kind of photo should you have on your profile?

A professional company logo

35- what kind of photo should you have on your profile if you are an individual freelancer?

A professional individual photo

36- what if you want to add another skill to the preferred freelancer program?

You will ne to email or make ticket to be removed from the programmed
and apply again with all the additional skills you wish to add.

37- When is it ok to ask the employer to release the milestone?

Once you have delivered the work corresponding to it and the employer has already given you positive

38- when should i accept the award and start working on the project ?

After you have cleared every single detail of the project with the employer,updated your bid, if necessasry, have agreed on a structure of milestone and the employer has created atleast one milestone.

39- What happens if you have too many incoming milestones?

You will not receive recruiter invitations until those projects are completed.

40- what will happen when you circumvent fees?
You need to pay 30% of the awarded value of the project or be removed from the program.C

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