Unit 2 Software Engineering MCQ Questions for AKTU Exam

Hey Guys, If you are preparing a Software engineering subject for the AKTU exams, then These are the Important Software engineering MCQ questions. so must go through these questions.

Note*: Do not depend only on these MCQ’s, Yes surely these questions help you in AKTU exams so do it first and after that if you have enough time, study all the core topics as well.

Unit 2: Software engineering mcq questions

Unit- II

  1. The process to gather the software requirements from client, analyze and document them is known as __

a. Feasibility Study
b. Requirement Gathering
c. Requirement Engineering
d. System Requirements Specification
Answer: Option (c)

  1. The goal of requirement engineering is to develop and maintain sophisticated and descriptive _______________document.

a. Feasibility Study
b. Requirement Gathering
c. Software Requirement Validation
d. System Requirements Specification
Answer: Option (d)

  1. It is the process in which developers discuss with the client and end users and know their expectations from the software.

a. Requirements gathering
b. Organizing Requirements
c. Negotiation & discussion
d. D. Documentation
Answer: Option (b)

  1. Which of the following is correct software metrics?

a. Complexity Metrics
b. Quality Metrics
c. Process Metrics
d. All of the above
Answer: Option (b)

  1. What are the types of requirement in Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?

a. Known, Unknown, Undreamed
b. User, Developer
c. Functional, Non-Functional
d. Normal, Expected, Exciting
Answer: Option (d)

  1. Why is Requirements Elicitation a difficult task?

a. Problem of scope
b. Problem of understanding
c. Problem of volatility
d. All of the above
Answer: Option (d)

  1. How many phases are there in Brainstorming?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
Answer: Option (b)

  1. Which type of DFD concentrates on the system process and flow of data in the system?

a. Physical DFD
b. Logical DFD
c. Flowchart DFD
d. System DFD
Answer: Option (b)

  1. How many levels of DFD is?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
Answer: Option (b)

  1. Which of the following is not a component in DFD?

a. Entities
b. Attributes
c. Process
d. Data Flow
Answer: Option (b)

  1. What is level 2 in DFD means?

a. Highest abstraction level DFD is known as Level 2.
b. Level 2 DFD depicts basic modules in the system and flow of data among various modules.
c. Level 2 DFD shows how data flows inside the modules mentioned in Level 1.
d. All of the above
Answer: Option (c)

  1. The context diagram is also known as __.

a. Level-0 DFD
b. Level-1 DFD
c. Level-2 DFD
d. All of the above
Answer: Option (a)

  1. A directed arc or line in DFD represents

a. Data Store
b. Data Process
c. Data Flow
d. All of the above
Answer: Option (c)

  1. What are the types of requirements?

a. Availability
b. Reliability
c. Usability
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)

  1. Select the developer-specific requirement?

a. Portability
b. Maintainability
c. Availability
d. Both Portability and Maintainability
Answer: Option (d)

  1. Which one of the following is not a step of requirement engineering?

a. Elicitation
b. Design
c. Analysis
d. documentation
Answer: Option (b)

  1. FAST stands for
    a. Functional Application Specification Technique
    b. Fast Application Specification Technique
    c. Facilitated Application Specification Technique
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (c)
  2. The user system requirements are the parts of which document?

a. SDD
b. SRS
c. DDD
d. SRD
` Answer: Option (b)

  1. Which is one of the most important stakeholders from the following?

a. Entry-level personnel
b. Middle level stakeholder
c. Managers
d. Users of the software
Answer: Option (D)

  1. Choose an internal software quality from given below:
    a. Scalability
    b. Usability
    c. Reusability
    d. reliability
    Answer: Option (c)
  2. RUP stands for______created by a division of

a. Rational Unified Program, IBM
b. Rational Unified Process, Infosys
c. Rational Unified Process, Microsoft
d. Rational Unified Process, IBM
Answer: Option (d)

  1. Which phase of the RUP is used to establish at the business case for the system?

a. Transition
b. Elaboration
c. Construction
d. Inception
Answer: Option (d)

  1. The longer a fault exists in software

a. the more tedious its removal becomes
b. the more costly it is to detect and correct
c. the less likely it is to be properly corrected
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)

  1. Which one of the following is not a software process quality?

a. Productivity
b. Portability
c. Timeliness
d. Visibility
Answer: Option (b)

  1. _&_ are two kinds of software products.

b. Firmware, Embedded
c. Generic, Customized
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (C)

  1. Purpose of process is to deliver software

a. in time
b. with acceptable quality
c. that is cost efficient
d. both in time & with acceptable quality
Answer: Option (d)

  1. Which one of the following is not an Umbrella Activity that complements the five process framework activities and help team manage and control progress, quality, change, and risk.

a. Reusability management
b. Risk management
c. Measurement
d. User Reviews
Answer: Option (d)

  1. Which one of the following is a functional requirement?
    a. Maintainability
    b. Portability
    c. Robustness
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (d)
  2. Which one of the following is a requirement that fits in a developer’s module?

a. Availability
b. Testability
c. Usability
d. Flexibility
Answer: Option (b)

  1. “Consider a system where, a heat sensor detects an intrusion and alerts the security company.” What kind of a requirement the system is providing?

a. Functional
b. Non-Functional
c. Known Requirement
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (A)

  1. Which of the following statements explains portability in non-functional requirements?

a. It is a degree to which software running on one platform can easily be converted to run on another platform.
b. It cannot be enhanced by using languages, OS’ and tools that are universally available and standardized.
c. The ability of the system to behave consistently in a user-acceptable manner when operating within the environment for which the system was intended.
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (a)

  1. Choose the incorrect statement with respect to Non-Functional Requirement (NFR).

a. Product-oriented Approach – Focus on system (or software) quality
b. Process-oriented Approach – Focus on how NFRs can be used in the design process
c. Quantitative Approach – Find measurable scales for the functionality attributes
d. Qualitative Approach – Study various relationships between quality goals
Answer: Option (c)

  1. What is the first step of requirement elicitation?

a. Identifying Stakeholder
b. Listing out Requirements
c. Requirements Gathering
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (a)

  1. Arrange the tasks involved in requirements elicitation in an appropriate manner.

i. Consolidation
ii. Prioritization
iii. Requirements Gathering
iv. Evaluation
a. iii, i, ii, iv
b. iii, iv, ii, i
c. iii, ii, iv, i
d. ii, iii, iv, i
Answer: Option (b)

  1. Which of the following is not a SQA plan for a project?

a. Evaluations to be performed
b. amount of technical work
c. audits and reviews to be performed
d. documents to be produced by the SQA group
Answer: Option (b)

  1. Who writes the Software Requirement Specifications Document (SRS)?

a. System Developer
b. System tester
c. System analyst
d. None of these above
Answer: Option (c)

  1. What is the goal of the requirements analysis and specifications phase of the software development life cycle?

a. Understanding the customer requirements and organize them in an informal document.
b. Analysing the cost of development
c. Determining scope of the software
d. None of these above
Answer: Option (a)

  1. Which of the following is not a desirable characteristic of SRS document?

a. Concise
b. Ambiguous
c. Traceable
d. Verifiable
Answer: Option (b)

  1. What is noise in terms of software development?

a. Writing irrelevant statements to the software development in the SRS document
b. Adding contradictory requirements in SRS document
c. Writing over-specification
d. None of these above
Answer: Option (a)

  1. Which of the following is not a UML diagram?

a. Activity diagram
b. Use case
c. State diagram
d. DFD
Answer: Option (d)

  1. Degree to which design specifications are followed in manufacturing the product is called

a. Quality Control
b. Quality of conformance
c. Quality Assurance
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (B)

  1. Who identifies, documents, and verifies that corrections have been made to the software?

a. Project manager
b. Project team
c. SQA group
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (c)

  1. What is Six Sigma?

a. It is the most widely used strategy for statistical quality assurance
b. The “Six Sigma” refers to six standard deviations
c. It is the most widely used strategy for statistical quality assurance and The “Six Sigma” refers to six standard deviations
d. A Formal Technical Review (FTR) guideline for quality walkthrough or inspection
Answer: Option (c)

  1. The degree to which the design specifications
    are followed during manufacturing is known as

a. Quality of design
b. Quality of conformance
c. Quality of testing
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (b)

  1. Quality also can be looked at in terms of user
    satisfaction which includes

a. A compliant product
b. Good quality output
c. Delivery within budget and schedule
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)

  1. The primary objective of formal technical reviews is to find _ during the process so that they do not become defects after release of the software.

a. Errors
b. Equivalent faults
c. Failure cause
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (a)

  1. Which of the following is not included in External failure costs?

a. Testing
b. Help line support
c. Warranty work
d. Complaint resolution
Answer: Option (a)

  1. Validation refers to the set of tasks that ensure that software correctly implements a specific function.

a. True
b. False
Answer: Option (b)

  1. Quality of design encompasses requirements and specifications of the system.

a. True
b. False
Answer: Option (a)

  1. Which of the following is not the primary objectives in the preliminary investigation of system development?

a. Assess cost and benefit of alternative approces
b. Determining the size of the project
c. Preparing the SRS to cover all the system specifications
d. Report finding to the management with recomendation to accept or reject the proposal
Answer: Option (c)

  1. If every requirement can be checked by a costeffective process, then the SRS is _?

a. Verifiable
b. Complete
c. Traceable
d. Modifiable
Answer: Option (a)

  1. Information requirements of an organization can be determined by __?

a. Finding out what similar organizations do
b. Interviewing managers and users and arriving at the requirements based on consensus
c. Sending a questionnaire to all employees of the organization
d. Telling organization what they need based on your experience
Answer: Option (b)

  1. _ and _ are not the subject matter of requirement analysis.

a. Performance, modelling present system
b. Functional, non-functional
c. Internal controls, present system work load
d. Stakeholder knowledge of computers, developer’s staff
Answer: Option (d)

  1. In which testing strategy requirements established during requirements analysis are validated against developed software?

a. Validation testing
b. Regression testing
c. Integration testing
d. System testing
Answer: Option (a)

  1. Initial requirements specification is _?

a. Only a rough indication of the requirement
b. Not changed till the end of the project
c. Continuously changed during project implementation
d. Changed and finalized after feasibility study
Answer: Option (a)

  1. It is necessary to consult the following while drawing up requirement specification.

a. Only top managers
b. Only top and middle management
c. Only top, middle and operational managers
d. Top, middle and operational managers and also all who will use the system
Answer: Option (d)

  1. It is necessary to prioritize information requirements of an organization at the requirements determination phase as _?

a. It is always good to prioritize
b. There are conflicting demands from users
c. There are constraints on budgets, available time, human resource and requirement
d. All good organization do it
Answer: Option (c)

  1. Which of the following statements about SRS is/are true?

i). SRS is written by customer
ii). SRS is written by a developer
iii). SRS serves as a contract between customer and developer
a. Only i is true
b. Both ii and iii are true
c. All are true
d. None of the above
Answer: Option (c)

  1. Requirement specification is carried out _?

a. Simultaneously with requirements determination
b. Before requirements are determined
c. After requirements are determined
d. Independent of requirements determination
Answer: Option (c)

  1. Which of the following is not included in SRS?

a. Performance
b. Functionality
c. Design solutions
d. External Interfaces
Answer: Option (c)

  1. The main goal of arriving at a final specification is _?

a. To compute the cost of implementing the
b. To assist in designing the system
c. To tell the organization’s managers how
the system will function
d. To tell the organization’s managers
what the proposed system will achieve
in a language understood by them
Answer: Option (d)

  1. Final specifications are drawn up by _?
    a. System designers along with users
    b. The managers of user organization
    c. System analyst in consultation with
    d. System analyst in consultation with the
    management of the organization
    Answer: Option (d)
  2. The role of a system analyst drawing up a
    requirements specification is similar to _?
    a. Architect designing a building
    b. A structural engineer designing a building
    c. A contractor constructing a building
    d. The workers who construct a building
    Answer: Option (a)
  3. Which one from the following is highly
    associated activity of project planning?
    a. Keep track of the project
    b. Compare actual and planned progress and
    c. Identify the activities, milestones and
    deliverables produced by a project
    d. Both B and C
    Answer: Option (c)
  4. The final specifications are arrived at _?
    a. During feasibility study
    b. After feasibility study
    c. Just before implementation phase
    d. When the system is being designed
    Answer: Option (b)
  5. Arrange the given sequence to form a SRS
    prototype outline as per SRS standard.
    i). General description
    ii). Introduction
    iii). Review
    iv). Appendices
    v). Specific Requirements
    a. iii, i, ii,v, iv
    b. iii, ii, i, v, iv
    c. ii, i, v, iv, iii
    d. iii, i, ii,v,iv
    Answer: Option (c)
  6. Requirement prioritization and negotiation
    belongs to _?
    a. Feasibility study
    b. Requirement elicitation
    c. Requirement validation
    d. Requirements reviews
    Answer: Option (b)SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 2020-21
    22 University Academy
  7. System approval criteria are specified _?
    a. During feasibility study
    b. During the requirements specifications
    c. During system study stage
    d. When the final specifications are drawn
    Answer: Option (d)
  8. Which of the following is used to determine the
    specificity of requirements? Where n1 is the
    number of requirements for which all reviewers
    have identical interpretations, n2 is number of
    requirements in a specification.
    a. n1/n2
    b. n2/n1
    c. n1+n2
    d. n1–n2
    Answer: Option (a)
  9. Requirementmanalysis is critical to the success
    of a development project.
    a. True
    b. False
    c. Depends upon the size of project
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (a)
  10. How many feasibility studies is conducted in
    Requirement Analysis?
    a. Two
    b. Three
    c. Four
    d. None of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (b)
  11. The statement “Conformity to a standard is
    maintained” depicts _ property
    of SRS.
    a. Correct
    b. Complete
    c. Consistent
    d. Modifiable
    Answer: Option (b)
  12. The SRS is said to be consistent if and only if
    a. its structure and style are such that any
    changes to the requirements can be made
    easily while retaining the style and
    b. every requirement stated therein is one
    that the software shall meet
    c. every requirement stated therein is
    d. no subset of individual requirements
    described in it conflict with each other
    Answer: Option (d)
  13. The SRS document is also known as
    _ specification.
    a. black-box
    b. white-box
    c. grey-box
    d. none of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (a)
  14. The dynamic behaviour of the system is
    represented by which model?
    a. Context Model
    b. Behavioral Model
    c. Data Model
    d. Object Model
    Answer: Option (b)
  15. Which aspect in system modelling shows the
    system or data architecture.
    a. Structural aspectSOFTWARE ENGINEERING 2020-21
    23 University Academy
    b. Behavioral aspect
    c. External aspect
    d. All of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (a)
  16. Which of the following statement is incorrect
    regarding the Class-responsibility-collaborator
    (CRC) modeling ?
    a. All use-case scenarios (and corresponding
    use-case diagrams) are organized into
    categories in CRC modelling
    b. The review leader reads the use-case
    c. Only developers in the review (of the
    CRC model) are given a subset of the
    CRC model index cards
    d. All of the mentioned
    Answer: Option (c)
  17. Quality Management in software engineering is also known as __.

a. SQA
b. SQM
c. SQI
d. SQA and SQM
Answer: Option (a)

  1. Quality in software can be looked at in terms of user satisfaction which includes

a. A compliant product
b. Good quality output
c. Delivery within budget and schedule
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)

  1. Inspections and testing are __ kinds of Quality Costs.

a. Prevention
b. Internal Failure
c. External Failure
d. Appraisal
Answer:Option (d)

  1. According to Pareto’s principle, _% of defects can be traced to _% of all causes.

a. 60, 40
b. 70, 30
c. 80, 20
d. No such principle exists
Answer: Option (c)

  1. Quality Management includes __ .

a. Defining procedures and standards
b. Checking that procedures are followed
c. Collecting and analyzing various quality data
d. All of the above mentioned
Answer: Option (d)

  1. Non-conformance to software requirements is known as __ .

a. Software availability
b. Software reliability
c. Software failure
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (c)

  1. Software safety is equivalent to software reliability.

Answer: Option (b)

  1. Misinterpretation of customer communication is a sample of possible cause defects.

Answer: Option (a)

  1. __ kind of quality cost is incurred when an error is detected in a product prior to shipment.

a. Prevention
b. Internal Failure
c. External Failure
d. Appraisal
Answer: Option (b)

  1. The degree to which the design specifications are followed during development is known as

a. Quality of design
b. Quality of conformance
c. Quality of testing
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (b)

  1. An informal review may consist of__________.

a. Casual meeting
b. Correction
c. Inspection
d. Pair programming
Answer: Option (a)

  1. Which of the following are objectives for FTR?

a. Allow senior staff members to correct errors
b. Assess programmer productivity
c. Determining who introduced an error into a program
d. Uncover errors in software work products
Answer: Option (d)

  1. __ is not one of the activities recommended to be performed by an independent SQA group.

a. Prepare SQA plan for the project
b. Review software engineering activities to verify process compliance
c. Report any evidence of noncompliance to senior management
d. Serve as the sole test team for any software produced
Answer: Option (d)

  1. __ is not a section in the standard for SQA plans recommended by IEEE.

a. Budget
b. Documentation
c. Reviews and audits
d. Test
Answer: Option (a)

  1. Statistical quality assurance involves__________.

a. Using sampling in place of exhaustive testing of software
b. Surveying customers to find out their opinions about product quality
c. Tracing each defect to its underlying cause, isolating the “vital few” causes, and moving to correct them
d. Tracing each defect to its underlying causes and using the Pareto principle to correct each problem found
Answer: Option (c)

  1. Software safety is a quality assurance activity that focuses on hazards that __.

a. Affect the reliability of a software component
b. May cause an entire system to fail
c. May result from user input errors
d. Prevent profitable marketing of the final product
Answer: Option (b)

  1. Which of the following is not a core step of Six
    a. Define
    b. Control
    c. Measure
    d. Analyse
    Answer: Option (b)
  2. According to ISO 9001, inspection and testing comes under which management responsibility?

a. Process control
b. Document control
c. Control of nonconforming products
d. Servicing
Answer: Option (a)

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