High Performance Computing quiz Questions and Answers – HPC QUIZ

This set of Concrete Technology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on HPC QUIZ

HPC QUIZ with Answer

  1. It is strength and permeability.
    a) High, high
    b) Low, low
    c) High, low
    d) Low, high

Answer: c
Explanation: It is specifically chosen so as to have particularly appropriate properties for the expected use of the structure such as high strength and low permeability.

  1. High Performance concrete works out to be economical.
    a) True
    b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: High Performance concrete works out to be economical, even though its initial cost is high.

  1. HPC is not used in high span bridges.
    a) True
    b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: Major applications of high-performance concrete in the field of Civil Engineering constructions have been in the areas of long-span bridges, high-rise buildings or structures, highway pavements, etc.

  1. Concrete having 28- days’ compressive strength in the range of 60 to 100 MPa.
    a) HPC
    b) VHPC
    c) OPC
    d) HSC

Answer: a
Explanation: High Performance Concrete having 28- days’ compressive strength in the range of 60 to 100 MPa.

  1. Concrete having 28-days compressive strength in the range of 100 to 150 MPa.
    a) HPC
    b) VHPC
    c) OPC
    d) HSC

Answer: b
Explanation: Very high performing Concrete having 28-days compressive strength in the range of 100 to 150 MPa.

High Performance HPC QUIZ

  1. High-Performance Concrete is __ as compared to Normal Strength Concrete.
    a) Less brittle
    b) Brittle
    c) More brittle
    d) Highly ductile

Answer: c
Explanation: High-Performance Concrete is more brittle as compared to Normal Strength Concrete (NSC), especially when high strength is the main criteria.

  1. The choice of cement for high-strength concrete should not be based only on mortar-cube tests but it should also include tests of compressive strengths of concrete at _ days.
    a) 28, 56, 91
    b) 28, 60, 90
    c) 30, 60, 90
    d) 30, 45, 60
    View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: The choice of cement for high-strength concrete should not be based only on mortar-cube tests but it should also include tests of compressive strengths of concrete at 28, 56, and 91 days.

  1. For high-strength concrete, a cement should produce a minimum 7-days mortar-cube strength of approximately _ MPa.
    a) 10
    b) 20
    c) 30
    d) 40

Answer: c
Explanation: For high-strength concrete, a cement should produce a minimum 7-days mortar-cube strength of approximately 30 MPa.

  1. __ mm nominal maximum size aggregates gives optimum strength.
    a) 9.5 and 10.5
    b) 10.5 and 12.5
    c) 9.5 and 12.5
    d) 11.5 and 12.5

Answer: c
Explanation: Many studies have found that 9.5 mm to 12.5 mm nominal maximum size aggregates gives optimum strength.

  1. Due to low w/c ratio _
    a) It doesn’t cause any problems
    b) It causes problems
    c) Workability is easy
    d) Strength is more

Answer: b
Explanation: Due to the low w/c ratio, it causes problems so superplasticizers are used.

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