How to create a News Website Using Admin Panel In PHP

How to create a News Website Using Admin Panel In PHP

News Portal Using PHP & MySQL Introduction

News Portal Project using PHP and MySQL is a web based application. It is a dynamic system. It can be maintain and changed easily because it is based on database. It’s contain web pages that are generated in real-time. These pages include Web scripting code, such as PHP. It is fully secured from unauthorized access. In a word In a word it can say that our Online News Portal website is a completely dynamic website.

News Portal Project Requirements
Project NameNews Portal
Language UsedPHP7.x
DatabaseMySQL 5.x
Web BrowserMozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
SoftwareXAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)
Project Modules

Newsportal project divided into three modules

  1. User Module
  2. Admin Module
  3. Sub-Admin

User module
Anyone can read the news and also search for particular news. The reader can leave comments on the particular news.

Admin Module

Secure admin login system

Admin Dashboard: In this section admin can view, listed categories & sub categories, total published news & trashed news.

Sub-admin: In this section, admin can add/edit/delete sub-admin.

Category – In this section admin can add/update/delete the category. Admin can also restore deleted category.

Sub- Category – In this section admin can add/update/delete the Subcategory. Admin can also restore deleted Subcategory.

Post – Admin can add /update / delete news posts. admin can also view deleted news post in trash post section and restore deleted posts.

Pages – Admin can manage the contact of about us and contact us page.

Comments – Admin can approve/ unapproved / delete reader comments.

Sub-Admin Module

Sub-Admin and Admin features are the same except Sub-Admin creation. Sub-Admin can’t create the Sub-Admins.

Project Screenshots

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